About Me

Hi I’m Seth Laske ,
I’m a graduating CS major from Cal Poly Pomona, looking to get into the video game industry as a Gameplay/AI Programmer. I am eager to find a position with a company with equally passionate and talented coworkers on a project where I can learn and improve, while still being an asset to my team. I am willing to work remote or inperson, or even to relocate if I find the right opportunity

During my time at CPP I have grown my passion from playing video games to making them, leading me to take every game related course my major has to offer, and additional math courses. I love the problem solving and infinite amount of polish and improvements that games require, leading me to work on several by myself and in teams.

I am a huge fan of working on projects that I can see the results in real time and visually debug as I work. That in combination with my personal love for video games growing up is what lead me to want to work on games as a professional, a decision I have been increasingly confident in as I have worked on these games. Especially the AI and mechanics within games, as that is where I have the most fun and am able to spend more time trying to perfect the features I try to create. I do also enjoy the creative freedom of game design, in being able to determine what I believe will improve the game.

When I’m not working on schoolwork or projects I spend my time

Student, CPP CS

2020 — 2023

Graduating in 3.5 years with a 3.9 GPA. I joined the Game Development Club resulting in games such as Rats King, Bee Free, and my current project Jack Black Attack. I also spent a lot of time as an Ambassador for the Student Inovation Idea Lab, teaching visitors how to use our equipment and working on several of my own projects at the same time (Including the master sword on the front page). Currently I am working as a grader for the Game Development class, and on a CSU sponsored project to develop Vector Dynamics simulations in Unity to help teach Aerospace Engineering students.

Digital Product Developer Intern

May 2023 — August 2023

Worked on the Unity team to create the Jacquie Lawson 2023 Advent Calendar. Added multiple minigames for users to play and decorate their homebase. Created levels for the match 3 minigames. Designed an ingame level editor to quick prototype and iterate sections on an infinite runner style ski game. For a personal project I created an n x n tile slider puzzle game, complete with two variations of auto solvers, animation and A*, a tutorial and various accessibility options. During my time I also learned to work in an Agile envioronment, manage my time effectively as a remote worker, and got familiar with project management tools, such as JIRA and Confluence.